2.8T Triple Drum Stand Truck

The 3-Drum stand modules are mounted onto the back of an ISUZU FVZ 260-300 with the aid of four container locks for each drum stand. The hydraulic connection is provided at each drum stand for the 10kN drum rotator. The drives can be disengaged to allow the drums to freewheel and a hydraulic controlled drag brake is provided for each drum stand.

Base Controls are located on the curb side of the truck and in addition radio controls are also provided. Access to the drum stands and deck of the truck are via a hydraulic drop down walkway with access ladders on both ends. A Removable roller type fairlead is provided at the rear of the truck, the unit is designed to dispense  over head conductors on drums weighing up to 2,800kgs.
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What's included?

  • Recommended personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Operational warnings
  • Component identification & locations
  • Procedure to start the truck
  • Procedure to operate walkway and ladders
  • Procedure to load and unload drums
  • Understanding safety features and interlocks
  • Procedure to operate with electric and radio controls
  • Safe procedure to use free wheel mode with hydraulic drag brakes
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