5kN Skid Mount Fibre Winch2 Drum ABC Trailer 

The 5kN Fibre Optic winch is used for pulling fibre optic cable by wrapping the cable directly onto a large diameter capstan. The capstan diameter is approx. 1400mm and is of suitable diameter not to damage the fibre optic cable during the pulling process.

Fibre optic winches can be set up to a maximum line pull of 5kN. However, they can be adjusted via the control console to pull line force of anything less than 5kN and have a constant line pull throughout the pulling process. Sometimes these winches can be set e.g. to 2kN and locked in this maximum line pull mode to meet the requirements of specific cable companies such as Telstra and Optus. Redmond Gary can assist the purchase to obtain Telstra certification, if required.
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What's included?

  • Recommended personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Operational warnings
  • Component identification & locations
  • Procedure to start Fibre Optic Winch
  • Procedure to start Capstan wheel tilt
  • Procedure to set fibre optic cable or pulling rope onto the Capstan wheel
  • Safe operation of the Capstan Winch using the foot control and pendant control
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